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La Tribune Ludique
26 juin 2013

The Solo Wargaming Guide

PLI807cover2Voilà un bouquin qui interpelle le joueur en solitaire que je suis de temps en temps : The Solo Wargaming Guide!

This easily-readable guide provides the tools needed to undertake tabletop wargame campaigns without the need for other players. The guidelines presented within are designed to supplement your favorite wargaming rules set (not included). They can be bent or twisted, even broken and reformed, to suit a wargamer's needs. Novices and veterans alike can employ these ideas and innovations to further the thrill of pitting army against army without the need for another player. Features methodologies for campaigns (mobilization, weather, logistics, morale, alliances, revolts, sieges, and mutinies), sea campaigns, integrating fantasy, tactical actions (terrain, weather, commander's competency, concealment, ambushes, and minefields), and air warfare.

J'avoue être curieux de voir les outils promis pour transformer son wargame favori en jeu solo (si j'ai bien compris le principe général de la chose bien entendu ^^). Mais je ne sais pas si j'ai 6,95$ à perdre... ;)

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